Year: | 2026 |
Genre: | Drama |
Directed by: | Agata Tabacu |
Year: 2026 | Genre: Drama | Directed by: Agata Tabacu
The story follows a young girl born in an eastern European town who is fascinated with the community traditions surrounding death. These superstitions are merely stories until one of them becomes real and she starts questioning if these absurd stories are true or not.
Pitch Please winner 2024, Black Sea Workshop participant
Year: | work in progress |
Genre: | Documentary |
Directed by: | Dan Burlac |
Year: work in progress | Genre: Documentary | Directed by: Dan Burlac
The documentary shows the remarkable way through which our heroes with bold dreams aim to motivate all those who find themselves in similar situations. They usually go to schools where visually impaired children learn. They strive to persuade these children that they can do extraordinary things – things that did not dare to dream of – but also to inspire them to believe that they can successfully integrate in society and lead an independent life. Alex and Razvan’s story will just leave room for an extraordinary adventure.
The Climb Again team monitored by two international highly experienced mountain guides -Cosmin Andron and Cristina Podocea – wish to take the Romanian flag to the highest mountain peak in Alpes. The movie follows Alex and Razvan before the departure and also shows how the two reach the summit. To better understand their passion and determination, the camera accompanies the two in their daily life revealing how their example inspires others. Big names in Romanian climbing support the inspiring actions ofthe two: Teofil Vlad, Zsolt Torok (in memoriam), Vlad Capusan have been or are close to them to train them. The documentary will be one about extraordinary people doing extraordinary things, genuine examples in their pursuit to follow their dreams. MONT BLIND movie will be produced with a discrete and alert camera, meant to seize the touching story of two sportsmen, two men who fight daily to live an independent life. We will search to capture the entire sensory universe
as well as the cognitive realm of the two climbers.What we want is for Alex and Razan to show us the mountains and their daily life in the unique way that they see it and perceive it. We will discover the mountain and the passion for mountains seen in a different way.
Year: | work in progress |
Genre: | Documentary |
Directed by: | Dan Burlac |
Year: work in progress | Genre: Documentary | Directed by: Dan Burlac
MONT BLIND este povestea a doi tineri nevazatori, care ‚vad’ lumea intr-un mod cu totul impresionant si care doresc sa demonstreze ca poti face lucruri extraordinare in situatii care aparent te pot limita. Alex si Razvan sunt doi tineri sportivi nevazatori, care practica alpinismul de performanta, componenti ai lotului national de paraclimbing. Amandoi fac parte din asociatia CLIMB AGAIN care are un program unic in Romania de terapie prin escalada, destinat copiilor cu nevoi speciale, in special nevazatorilor. Documentarul urmareste modul remarcabil prin care eroii nostri cu vise intraznete doresc sa ii motiveze pe cei aflati in aceeasi situatie. Ei merg in scoli la copii cu probleme de vedere, pentru a-i convinge ca pot face lucruri la care nu s-au gandit, pentru a-i incuraja vizavi de o integrare reusita in societate, adaptata problemelor pe care le au, cu posibilitatea unei vieti independente, pe cat se poate. Povestea lor va cuprinde o aventura extraordinaraÎn 2020 au reusit prima ascensiune pe Mont Blanc (4810 m ), a doi nevazatorii din România